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Monique McDonell

author : Monique McDonell

I am an Australian author who writes contemporary women's fiction including chick lit and romantic comedy. \nI have written all my life especially as a child when I loved to write short stories and poetry. At University I studied Creative Writing as part of my Communication degree. Afterwards I was busy working in public relations I didn't write for pleasure for quite a few years although I wrote many media releases, brochures and newsletters. (And I still do in my day-job!)\n\nWhen I began to write again I noticed a trend - writing dark unhappy stories made me unhappy. So I made a decision to write a novel with a happy ending and I have been writing happy stories ever since. \n\nI am the author of five stand alone novels including Mr. Right and Other Mongrels and Hearts Afire. I am also the author of the popular Upper Crust Series which features a community of characters who live and work in Boston and small-town New Hampshire, the Courtisde Romance Series and the Jewel Sisters Series . Many of my novels focus on an Australian characters meeting and visiting US characters. I've also contributed to the the Cinnamon Bay Romance series and the Oceanic Dreams series.\n\nMy latest release is No Time for Trouble, No Brides Club 11 in the No Brides Club Series (look out for another in the series September 2020). \n\nI am also a member of the Romance Writers of Australia. In 2015 had a piece on writing chick lit featured in the successful Australian non-fiction book Copyfight.\n\nLike my characters, I like coffee, wine, reading, happy endings and spending time with friends.\n\nYou can find me at my wesbite:\n

Monique McDonell Book Series